Thursday, June 29, 2006

pocket door in the ba - sept 2006?!

spring 2006?

not-so-much ...
... eh, a few bumps here & there in the road
september 2006 ... that's the target!

here is my future pocket door (thanks pat!) that will be part of my future office!

and my future interns (keeping it in the family, perhaps?)

say "ahhhhhh!"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd get a check-up ASAP if I were you, Shirl. You're obviously a carrier of the dreaded consultantitis, indicated by the presence of a bluish tongue resulting from sticking such appendages at uncooperative regulators and clients. It looks like you've gone into remission, but the poor lad with you may be stuck with it for life unless proper treatment is applied.

Sacto Floyd

1:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SD BA SD BA???? donde esta tu? i'm keeping it real with my hispanic upbringing in San Diego. So...i never knew of soo many asian resturants in the bay area! i love it! can we go to an asian resturant? dim sum or thai or vietnamese..yummm!

i think i signed up for a username in Blogger, but i can't remember the password. i'm anonymous JEN S.!

10:44 AM  
Blogger shirlnutkin said...

Chica Jen S! Thanks for dropping by! in SD right now --- and just traveling back and forth. As for BA, there are totally lots o' asian restaurants, f'shizzle! Start with picking either Oakland or San Francisco... and then I'll put an APB out for some recommendations. Hope to see you before your internship ends! - - S.

11:17 AM  

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