Wednesday, March 29, 2006


... o.k., susan ... i'll play

Four jobs you have had in your life:
1. smaller leather goods salesperson in dept. store
2. plastic lid putter-onner for canned food stuff
3. junior chemist (summer)
4. working for the voices in my head

Four movies you would watch over and over:
1. shawashank redemption
2. office space
3. princess bride
4. karate kid (because i can't look away)

Four places you have lived:
1. new york (burbs)
2. hawaii
3. iceland
4. northern calif

Four TV shows I watch
1. project runway
2. house
3. battlestar galactica
4. monk

Four places I've been on vacation
1. dc
2. alaska (via cruise)
3. spain
4. vancouver

Four websites I visit daily:
1. spinning girl
2. talking points memo
3. google
4. one of my e-Mail providers to check on comments to posts

Four of my favorite foods:
1. chocolate therapy
2. italian
3. sushi
4. tasty baked goods at influx, esp. mango oatmeal cookie

Four places I would rather be right now:
1. mani-/pedi-
2. there
3. with friends, hanging out
4. not in the squalor-lite that is my office

you're it!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

All of these merit a discussion on their own. I will tackle jobs and movies first.

I had some interesting and not so interesting summer jobs in high school and college:

1. Telephone solicitor (tried to sell credit cards; this is where I learned to handle rejection)
2. Pots and pans cleaner in a hospital cafeteria (my nickname was the "pit monster", enough said)
3. Gopher on the shop floor of a water pump manufacturer
4. Movie theater projectionist (I quit after I found out I was just cheap scab labor during a strike)

Movies I watch whenever they are on TV (I guess that implies over and over):

1. Godfather I or II (sometimes they will show the "Godfather Saga" where the two films are presented as one film and in chronological order rather than some scenes as flashbacks)
2. Sure Thing (I watch most early Cusack films; this one introduced us to a young Nicolette Sheridan, way before Desperate Housewives and even Knotts Landing. Rob Reiner directed this one. Favorite line - "Consider outerspace").
3. Road House (one word - Swayze)
4. It's a Wonderful Life (until a few years ago this was on TV at least four times a day between Thanksgiving and Christmas; I am just a sucker for this film)
4a. I know you said four, but the TV stays locked on to the Christmas Story Marathon when it is on (You'll shoot your eye out kid)

1:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

JOBS: Concession stand worker at roller rink; Business repair operator at USWest; Database programmer; Waiter
MOVIES: Aliens; The Mummy Returns; Finding Nemo; Clueless
LIVED: Boston; Tucson; Denver; Omaha
TV SHOWS: BSG; W&G; LOST; Jeopardy!
VACATION: Spain; Thailand; Greece; Czech Republic
WEBSITES: ArizonaAthletics;; USAToday; Billboard
FOOD: White chocolate cheesecake; grapes (any kind); sushi; Mexican
RATHER BE: Gym; sleeping; hanging with friends; eating out :)

11:09 AM  
Blogger Spinning Girl said...

We share a love of the Shawshank Redemption!

Thanks for the link! :)

11:30 AM  

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