Sunday, October 29, 2006

R|ReLo 5n: it's sun morn (10/29) ...

... and it's been quite a whirlwind. with the "fall back" in time, lots o' stuff this AM (considering normal rise/shine has been ~ 5:30-6:30 AM) and today's whirlwind objectives include -
  • wi-fi at paddy's just to get a post on blog and check my e-mails
  • to do list write-up for the day
  • web-surfin' for home/furniture stuff
  • brick-and-mortar shoppin' as soon as stores open (!) ... back to a few stores & malls for (more) curtains, office equipment, grocery/drug store stuff, other home stuff, etc.
  • lunch with mom and more shoppin' with mom
  • www shoppin' on the web because it's always fun to get packages in the mail!
  • r|office & r|annex org to work a miracle (e.g., set-up dsl, network, work space, projects, reference material, copy center, etc.)
  • home org to work a 2nd miracle ... after finding everything
  • dinner with mom and others
  • veg-out big-time!
... all in prep for my 1st day (tomorrow) at my new r|office in the BA! pics still to come!

(thanks to all those who kept me company
- in person + on phone -
on my drive up from SD to BA)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you are lifting the consumer spending numbers for our very own Fed Region. The rest of the country experienced a slow down, but you are a one-woman economic force!

12:54 PM  

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