Friday, March 31, 2006

mini-spring break: sushi post mani/pedi

wednesday ... after the ritual intern outing

a few of us
[rich (move your head!) . lowell . holly .
shirl . margaret . shannon . todd]

headed for sushi
and continued our
fun, marry & killer game,
which we made a point
to share with others!

[todd & kairou]

r|wear siting: mark, the sushi chef
[btw - he makes awesome rolls!]

Thursday, March 30, 2006

r|wear: siting in napa, wine country

we have one of our vendors suited up. golf visor and stone-colored pima cotton polo & merlot fleece jacket

prism consulting, llc
tom and carolyn,
thanks for sporting us!

Wednesday, March 29, 2006


... o.k., susan ... i'll play

Four jobs you have had in your life:
1. smaller leather goods salesperson in dept. store
2. plastic lid putter-onner for canned food stuff
3. junior chemist (summer)
4. working for the voices in my head

Four movies you would watch over and over:
1. shawashank redemption
2. office space
3. princess bride
4. karate kid (because i can't look away)

Four places you have lived:
1. new york (burbs)
2. hawaii
3. iceland
4. northern calif

Four TV shows I watch
1. project runway
2. house
3. battlestar galactica
4. monk

Four places I've been on vacation
1. dc
2. alaska (via cruise)
3. spain
4. vancouver

Four websites I visit daily:
1. spinning girl
2. talking points memo
3. google
4. one of my e-Mail providers to check on comments to posts

Four of my favorite foods:
1. chocolate therapy
2. italian
3. sushi
4. tasty baked goods at influx, esp. mango oatmeal cookie

Four places I would rather be right now:
1. mani-/pedi-
2. there
3. with friends, hanging out
4. not in the squalor-lite that is my office

you're it!!!!

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

out-of-towner ... another one!?

yesterday, another(!) out-of-towner in SD ... my buddy, Karina, since the first job i had out of college - way back when.

(last i saw her, she was awaiting the birth of her son while we were eating crudites and playing games - and i won stuff!)

yum eats for brunch on her work visit! and great conversation about past, present and future.

also, it appears the artist of the pictured painting has eaten with Karina's son. I'm told the artist captured his ... uh ... spirit.

thanks for visiting! next time, eh, in the BA? or i'll trek to the CA/NV border.

Monday, March 27, 2006

out-of-town ... not out of mind

I will miss arriving ten minutes after I say I will pick him up. He will always be gracious and seemingly accepting of the brief passage of time. Maybe he depends on it; in that respect, I’m actually predictable.

Go figure … one of the things I’ll miss about SD are the visits from an out-of-town friend that I likely will see less often when in the BA.

I often speak of the SD people, places, and things-to-do that I will miss. All this is true. However, I recently realized that I have overlooked a special friendship that has evolved through time. I will miss the story-telling dinners with my friend Taylor. When he comes to SD to work, it’s often hit-or-miss if dining with him is in the mix. When it is a hit, it is quite a treat. He continues to remind me that I need to write. (That's a good thing.) He speaks proudly of his wife and son. And ... he reminds me there are cool lawyers out there.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

R|ReLo #12: long story - comfy courtroom chairs

the longer version of the short version? just some additional events to highlight, compliment and 'splain stuff.

  • room 604 for court appearance at 10:30
  • us = pat, mom, self (on-time, btw), glenn, lawyer-man
  • them = tenant (pro per)
  • others (just happened to be there for their own court biz) for what looked like a high school mini-reunion = police-guy, glenn's l'il bro, friend of pat + friend's wife
  • us = sit around in the comfy courtroom chairs wondering where our lawyer is when the clerk and judge call our court case
[from MartiniArt LLC]
  • lawyer-man shows up at 10:30:53 (or something like that)
  • lawyer-man tells clerk & judge he & tenant will be chatting
  • judge lets them talk and asks that they notify clerk when ready for judge (who then goes into his chambers)
  • lawyer-man + tenant go out into hallway to chat
  • we (the us) sit around in the comfy courtroom chairs entertaining ourselves and catching up with police-guy and listening to police-guy's near death stories
  • lawyer-man + tenant return to the courtroom to let clerk know that there is not an agreement (o.k. - not legal lingo, but you get the point)
  • judge calls lawyer-man + tenant into chambers
  • lawyer-man + tenant leave judge's chamber
  • laywer-man comes back to our comfy area (drum roll, pah-leez)
  • tenant wants jury trial
  • jury trial scheduled = 03/28 (tues) in the AM
  • lawyer-man to our scoped out comfy area to tell us tenant's position and 'splain the jury trial circumstances
  • jury trial = time + money + time + weekend preparation + money + paperwork filing + time, etc.
  • lawyer-man to hallway to chat with tenant some more and see about getting other option(s) on the table
  • we sit around in the comfy courtroom chairs re-hashing our options and perplexed about tenant
  • i am rescheduling my coming week in my head
  • lawyer-man back to our comfy place to tell us tenant will be out by april 21, no jury trial, etc.
  • we decide that is fine and also ask about afterwards - options to recoup tenant's past-due rent (not eligible for small claims) - we talk amongst ourselves and chat (cut/paste:
  • lawyer-man goes back into the hallway to talk with tenant
  • lawyer-man comes back to our comfy place
  • tenant does not like the added language to provide him and us with future options
    • tenant willing to go to jury trial
  • peeps are getting restless ... we step into hallway with lawyer+man
  • laywer-man tells us our main options
    • agree to delete the added language, which means tenant out by april 21, or
    • we can keep the language, which means we likely would go to trial, or
    • variants of main options
  • we go into hallway with lawyer-man and talk amongst ourselves to review options in more detail
    • door #1 - april 21, no trial, no options to recoup money; if tenant not out by april 21, writ of possession begins; tenant out by end of april
    • door #2 - jury trial - unknown result - tenant may prevail, we may prevail
      • jury trial = time + money + time + weekend preparation + money + paperwork filing + time, etc.
  • mom says "jury trial" (btw, that was a surprise to me)
  • lawyer-man + mom + rest of us back into court room; tenant already in court room
  • lawyer-man informs clerk; clerk gets judge
  • lawyer-man + mom + tenant sit in that area in front of the judge (i don't know the name of the area), while we are behind them in the comfy chairs
  • judge asks for status; lawyer-man explains no agreement reached with tenant
  • judge asks tenant for explanation; tenant explains about not being in agreement with added language
  • judge asks tenant more questions
  • tenant agrees to accept the additional language
  • decision is made final
  • paperwork prepared
  • copy given to lawyer-man, who will fax me a copy
WE LEAVE COURT ROOM to discuss next steps ... (ALMOST OVER ...) ... essentially the short story
  • April 21 = tenant must vacate property
  • Writ of possession = process engaged if tenant does not leave property
  • Sheriff + Locksmith + us = go to property to take possession, change locks
  • Abandoned property = if this happens, lawyer-man directs what must be done (e.g., value, auction)
O.K. - so come friday, april 21 ... that's the next milestone.


Saturday, March 25, 2006

in search of shock 3 (OAK)

leaving BA for SD ... after the court thing.

in addition to the previous shock finds, another one in terminal 2 - at the top of the escalator - in front of gate 24.

and when you look over your shoulder, as long as there aren't any people coming off the escalator, this is your view (which is much better than legs, torsos, and luggage).

0 dark 30 on friday

... just before I left from SD to the BA to deal with the tenant situation.
looking east
at 0 dark 30
& then
looking west ...
(i'm considering this 0 dark 30 as a bonus.) turns out the flight up is not booked, the morning is peaceful, and i'm not rushed to get out the door.

in search of shock (SD)

SD's SAN terminal 1 has outlets on the posts in the baggage claim area.

i don't usually use my computer in SAN when i leave from SD to BA.

when i get off the plane & wait for my luggage at the carousel, i may charge my computer or phone while waiting for my luggage.

in search of shock 2 (OAK)

as discovered in OAK terminal 1, terminal 2 provides some added conveniences in front of gate 22
  • a sign above the fountain (which helps when searching for a fountain)
  • two(!) sets of outlets
  • a little work surface near one of the outlets
in front of gate 22 ... remember that.

R|ReLo #11b: arriving on monday

BA's OAK terminal 2 is all about SWA

i'm getting used to the in/out of the terminal

but please fix the weather. it's wet and cold.

total bonus when i'm in terminal 2 vs. terminal 1 ...

though there are more drinking fountains in terminal 1.

R|ReLo#11a: party(?) at court

i flew up for the trial.

photographer: glenn

standing next to glenn: leo

(warning: leo comes with music)

in picture: laywer-man . mom . self . pat

part of a weekend series of updates on events of this past whirlwind-week of march 20th. (i have to work, people.)

SHORT STORY: by april 21 (friday), tenant must be out (vacated from premises). when saturday (april 22) comes along, if he is not out, i call laywer-man who would then prepare writ of possession paperwork. effectively, by the end of april, we would get to see something like this (below) when we are hanging out with a locksmith ...

(turns out ...
we know this fellow!
go figure ... small world.
more on this later.)

but more importantly, tenant will be outta there.

(and btw, errata ... correction. rather than 02/11, should have been 02/14. my bad math.)

i have no duke-stuff

duke-stuff was auctioned this past thursday. items i may have considered ... lot nos. 68, 72, and 85.

i had a more important party to attend. our client was granted 2 variances for recommissioning their power plants.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

R|Relo #11: huh? wtf!?

the recent installment of this had saga has now progressed with the following choice words from lawyer-man (yesterday & today) ...
court clerk ... Defendant filed for a jury trial ... untimely ... be at court
i'm in SD now (having flown back from BA yesterday evening). i'm flying up to BA tomorrow morning. as long as the judge deems it appropriate to continue with our court trial, we will not have to undergo a jury trial. however ... there is a chance ...ugh.

downside? 6:35 AM flight out.

upside? blog fodder.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

because he cares ...


i'm visiting the BA. mom had some outpatient surgery.

my bro came by to see how she's doing & yap it up a bit.
these are the flowers he brought.

very nice.

Monday, March 20, 2006

single, please

1st the planet ... now ...

You Are a Cappuccino

You're fun, outgoing, and you love to try anything new.
However, you tend to have strong opinions on what you like.
You are a total girly girly at heart - and prefer your coffee with good conversation.
You're the type that seems complex to outsiders, but in reality, you are easy to please

What Kind of Coffee Are You?

strong opinions? ... me!?
hmmm...!? fascinating
(oh - and yums-up to peet's; cash in, peeps!)

Sunday, March 19, 2006

R|ReLo #11z: preparing for the week

it's sunday night ... and i'm working, as i have been doing so quite a bit during weekends, weeknights, at office, at home, at coffee shop, at sushi, wherever there is an outlet. this week - i travel roundtrip twice between SD and BA.

to tie over until the weekend and get caught up on what's up (!?) ...

seeing family for a couple of days this week; mom with some stuff going on & gonna visit with bro & his family.

gotta come back for work stuff. note to self - find out what an authorized agent is really, really responsible for as part of a variance hearing.

tenant stuff is soon to be resolved (by this friday), then i can meet the city sheriff (with my camera in hand) and a locksmith within 2-weeks of end of trial. (uh ... tomorrow we find out if tenant asks for a jury trial.)

on my blog plate ...

renaming mitch contest specfics (see posted comments) has been delayed; details by march 31st.

peet's gift card wanna-haves - so far 2 r|friends in the mix.

r|wear on-the-go prize specifics (see posted comment) will be posted by march 31st.

would like some more eats recommendations for sushi, spanish, drinks, dessert, bistros, latin american, and gulf coast type eats!

and finally ... intern amabelle has survived nine weeks and has 3 more weeks left. we will ramp up postings and get her to post some more.

oh! and yes life angst, still to come.

Friday, March 17, 2006

st. pat's sushi lunch

edamame . wasabi . panty-dropper . caterpillar . san diego . green tea

this is how the office celebrated
(uh ... someone isn't wearing green)

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Peet's simple math - prize

FINE! clever response reward:
Peet's GIFT CARD amount
= $B (USD)

Peet's in SD? ... simple math

i heart Peet's, and i have a calculator.

A = number of Peet's coffeehouses in SD County
B = number of Peet's coffeehouses within 50 miles of future BA digs
C = 7.04E-04 Peet's per square miles of SD county

B = 62
C = A divided by (statistic for SD county)


Why is B much greater than A?

. Correct answer for A = cup o' coffee or tea.
. Response to essay = upgrade to speciality coffee or rare tea
. Clever response to essay = pastry included

(update re: prize)

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

R|ReLo #10: prep for trial

spoke to lawyer-man yesterday. the date & time have been set. we know our destination. we have records & are prepared. a few more key words thrown in ...
last chance jury option on 20th ... can meet beforehand ... questions yes & no ... chronology ... win case ... possession within 10-14 days ... locksmith ... sheriff ... not like law & order
spring 2006 still in sight, when i squint.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

r|break: sites i surfed tonight

... in honor of tomorrow because ... tonight i sleep in peace, tomorrow i drive 1.53 miles ... until next month.

pooh who? join the meeting!

back pooh, bank pooh ...

happy pooh,
meeting-room pooh ...

rich pooh, poor pooh
(click his tummy to read it)

girl pooh, boy pooh

i owe pooh $2.00.
will pay it forward $5.00.
money from pooh?
good news: belly-full pooh
bad news: ceramic-pieces pooh

Sunday, March 12, 2006

r|break: my future!?

... free psychic dream stuff from my friend suz (a la e-Mail sent 01/03/06)
  • I had a dream about your wedding.
  • It was on a very tall stack - you had to be flown up there on a helicopter.
  • The wedding was delayed for a while because they couldn't get the port caps off.
  • The wedding guests had to wait in the lobby of the hotel while the helicopter made trips back and forth to the stack.
  • I couldn't see the groom, sorry.
  • Hopes this helps with your future wedding plans....
well, i'm speechless ...

work-break-time (r|break) & 6 Qs later

took one yesterday, and one on a sunny SD day (that's redundant), and one because i had a pic, and a dinner break because the 2 daves beckoned, and one just when i was ALMOST finished with the report.
NOW i have finished my morning fix ...

You Are From Mercury

You are talkative, clever, and knowledgeable - and it shows.
You probably never leave home without your cell phone!
You're witty, expressive, and aware of everything going on around you.
You love learning, playing, and taking in all of what life has to offer.
Be careful not to talk your friends' ears off, and temper your need to know everything.

talk much? ... me!?

What Planet Are You From?

Saturday, March 11, 2006

taking another short work break

aka - procrastinating
(had some re-laughs!)

humor at the expense of hasselhoff .

and checking out my personality.
(historically ENFP;
today's result - ENFJ!? huh ...?)

mmmmmm ... to sushi or not to sushi?
(the reward if i would just stop procrastinating)

ReLo pet's name change

this is mitch (originally named after the gymnast). he is my pet.

there were three others (that I named pee-wee, mariah, and todd) when the pod arrived in my Jan 2006 mail.
they died ... in the order i listed them.

if mitch lives long enough, he will travel with me to my future BA digs.

i have decided that mitch will sport a different name after the ReLo to the BA.

connor (from the highlander)
... because as we all know,

there can be only one
-connor macleod.

(here him speak to you at

Friday, March 10, 2006

mardi gras din '06

... in SD, fun times with friends at gulf coast grill.

cheri, steve, todd, tiffany,

rich, shirl, shannon, curt, john

in the mix - 4 lawyers.
44% of our group - lawyers.
we had a good time, anyway.

gulf coast type eats in BA? laywers are still welcomed.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

R|ReLo #9: our trial date

our Civil Court Trial date has been scheduled for March 24 at 10:30 in Fremont. more key words:
compile ... first hand information ... testify ... attorney ... details

not r|wear ...

... but related - sorta - kinda ...

so the shirt is not r|wear but from these folks (which have some nifty prints).

our stacks ... like this one stacks!?

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

always time for sushi

got this nifty watch from my friend karine.

friday lunch at ono ... (me, teri, todd)
brought the watch, appetite, and business. tuesday sushi, which has become random-sushi-night, has now evolved to friday lunch sushi.

good times!
(no pun intended ... yeah, lame - i know.)

Monday, March 06, 2006

R|ReLo #8: trial date to be set

i am still not there, and the tenant is ... STILL there. o.k. - so i'm not sure what i should and should not write about, so i'll take the less is better approach and just use keywords that are fact-based ...
we laywered-up ... process server personally served summons ... tenant answer/complaint to summons ... ("stuff") ... lawyer-man requested trial date
"stuff" includes some details that are resulting in our filing for a trail date. other keywords ...
Southwest Airlines ... Fremont ... notice within week of scheduled trial ... estimate by end of March (2006) ... jury trial can be requested (which it has not been but thought i'd just throw that in 'cuz tenant has that option)
stay tuned, i suppose.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

duke's decor for my future BA digs?

more on duke & his contribution to the little people. all the tchotckes he got - auctioning off march 23rd. someone from TPM may go (awesome!), but i'll be up in BA for family stuff, so i'll miss the auction and possible new stuff for my future digs in the BA. (planets not aligning - dang!)

a l'il more SD politics: duke-stir's sentence

the duke knew his sentence would be not more than 10 year. he got sentenced yesterday to 8 years, 4 months (fed prison) + paying beaucoup bucks.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

R|ReLo #7: the law firm speaks (& types)

lawyered-up ... yup! we have lawyer-man and his crew helping out, and below are excerpts from a Feb 28 e-Mail from lawyer-man.
The case has been filed in court and the process server is having trouble personally serving the tenants with the summons and complaint. The server did communicate to this office that it appeared to her that the tenants were in the process of moving out. She said that every time she shows up at the property there seems to be less and less belongings left inside.
SIDE BAR: neighbors also have seen furniture in and near driveway + on front lawn ... a little inside-out home decor. oh - tenant works out of his home. uh-huh. tenant is pretty elusive. and more importantly, tenant is STILL there.

o.k. - back to lawyer-man speak ... just a few more key words from the same e-Mail
... reasonable suspicion ... change the locks ... take possession ... post a notice ... 24 hours in advance ... entering the unit ... business hours ... tenants abandon ... eviction action ... get a judgment ... sheriffs dept ...
out of context ... it still generally feels the same as if the in between words are filled in.

what's next? ... another court filing has been made, so the process server can deal with the notice stuff (though we can also do it, but we've not yet independently initiated at this time). gonna talk w/lawyer tomorrow to see what's up. meanwhile ... stay tuned, i suppose.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

taking a short work break ...

just some humorous video links on my other blog. gotta laugh. take a break from work, and just in case, turn the volume down a bit on your computer.